Tuesday, October 9, 2007

શું છીએ? ( What we are?)

આપણે શું છીએ અને આપણે શું બનીએ છીએ તેનો આધાર આપણને કોણ ચાહે છે તેની પર છે.

What we are and what we become depends on who loves us.


HojO said...

"....depends on who loves us."

It may b NOT covers ALL the reasons....but,definetly an important one!

Cheers! :-))

HojO said...

BTWN, why u don reply/post-comment in other blogs???

Now,plse 'dont give' that old-n-dead xcuse u mentioned ALL the time,even very recently!! :-/

So Forget the past,Come on n BE an ACTIVE Visitor again!!

Cheers again :-))

P.S.- Still ,if u don't like to post comments in CW/ICC/MTM etc ,then it's ur personal choice/problem n not others (even NOT Disturber's!!)